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marlboro man


New Member
Jan 11, 2014
Hello all,

looking for info and opinions on shifting from my reds to an ecig or vaporizer. Hopefully, I will have something to contribute as well.

Thank you
Hello mate,you'll not be short of good advice on here,dont be shy :-)

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welcome @Timfrathar good luck with vaping - check out the wiki and marketplace i'm sure you'll find something there, if you're not sure ask and someone will be able to help.
Welcome! The marketplace has indeed quite a lot of options to get started. I started with an evod starter kit which is cheap and has been proved to be a fantastic introduction to vaping.
Hiya and welcome :) don't expect to find an eliquid that will fully replicate your ciggies. Tobacco flavours are just that, unburnt tobacco! Having said that, there are some very nice ones out there. Personally my favourite tobacco juice in mom and pops (either 10fkrty or American blend) but I'm no expert on them being mostly a sweet and fruity vaper :)
You can get mom and pops from leisure liquids. As you are coming off Marlboros I'd say you will probably need quite a high strength juice too, just to help with the cravings at first.
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Welcome timfratar NIce to see someone else just starting to vape (like me) I'm on my 3rd day and its getting very hard, whilst the flavour of vaping is great, it isn't satisying my urge to go outside in the rain
Qman power through buddy the first few days are bad but it's so worth it stay strong buddy

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