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Mason Dumptank 40mm - Ideas?

Dex Rawlinson

May 10, 2017
Hey forum time for your input :).

Ive had my tank for a while now I've had countless builds on it. From Ti-g wire to twisted SS etc etc.

However anyone with experience with this tank got any self recommendations for builds on this. Just never get a decent flavour with this compared to any other tanks I own. Building crazy isn't a problem for me.

I know you can help me seems to be my bogey tank. Can get the clouds but always sacrificing too much flavor too the point its barely there.

Thanks all
Have you tried reducing the airflow?, if it's anything like the drippers it's got crazy amounts of airflow i have the air bout 3/4 closed
Could try some heavy flatwire builds? I've got a pair of 5mm ID 21 gauge flat Kanthal coils in my 30mm Temple rda and the flavour is great, at least on par with my kennedy 24 and 22 with ni80 flatwire builds
Could try some heavy flatwire builds? I've got a pair of 5mm ID 21 gauge flat Kanthal coils in my 30mm Temple rda and the flavour is great, at least on par with my kennedy 24 and 22 with ni80 flatwire builds

Kanthal always seems to be abit of a funky taste for me. I mean I can give some flat's a try all about trying ay!.
Apologies for the hijack. What mod are you using to power it?
I ordered this tank in the sale and have no idea what to put it on
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