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mech mod


Oct 30, 2019
i have a question about setting up your mech mod, do i put my rda first then the battery? or it does not matter
Also, not intended to be a nasty comment:

If you're asking this type of question, are you sure you're entirely suited to running a mech?
What atomiser are you putting on - are you absolutely sure it's hybrid connection compatible?

So if that's truly the case you really should know that the atty goes on first otherwise you stand a massive chance of hard shorting your cell.

Please don't be a statistical headline...

What build are you intending to run and what's your reason for wanting a mech in the first place?
my build is 0.19 ohms which is 22a which is safe on the samsumg30t, just wanted know this bit i know im supposed to put the rda first so i dont over tight it on the battery and ruin the positive part as it is the weakest part in the battery. but just wanted to make sure. as i am new to mech mods
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