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mech mods

Phantom Diablo

Sep 16, 2013
whats it take to get a reasonable priced mech mod these days!
FT or rather singapore post has made my order go astray so now have to wait until FT sort it out and issue a refund which god knows how long that will be. still waiting on mesh and wire so cant even try my atty building on my kamry. problem is i have 2 brand new imr efest 18650 batteries and a reduced budget ( due to all the funds i had spare tied up in FT order ).
so what mech am i looking for.. nothing fancy.. just something thats bottom firing with adjustable battery pin and 510 pin that can take 18650 batteries.
Sigelei 8w looks the part ( caravela clone ) , or the smoktech magneto ( has to be version 2 with teh adjustable 510 pin.
or Smoktech Galileo .. another nice looking mod.
limited to about £30 max.. or another 5-6 week for ft to sort itself out then reorder and hope.
sighhhhh.. more than happy to go second hand but even then they seem to be as rare as rocking horse shit.
same goes for a nemesis or chi you clone..
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buy a magneto 35 quid tops job solved
as i mentioned needs to be version 2 with adjustable centre pin.. and thats where the problem lies.. i found one on ebay for £22 ( used but thats fine) but its most likely the older fixed pin one which can cause issues. and doing a serach ive not found the version 2 at that price yet
all my devices fit on the version one... Kayfun lite, pro tank 2 & igo-l drippers not a single issue and all sit flush no gaps

but I cant speak for any other atties or drippers maybe others can add what they use and any issues

to top it off it hits nice and hard

one other thing

also if you might had listened to some of the advice people were trying to give you before and dont order crap from FT you would probably own a decent device already... also how many mech mod posts have you posted ?
hmm lets see.. one post asking about what mech mod.. and tbh if ive posted 1 or 20 i really fail to see what concern it is . as for people telling me about ordering from FT.. clearly you didnt read my post properly as i stated the issue is with singapore post losing the parcel and not FT so maybe you need to go take a chill pill before jumping down on people.
as for the magneto i think you'll find plenty of threads and youtube vids regarding the fixed centre post problem and issues with certain attys on it, thats why they released a second version and why you can buy the modified top cap for it.

honestly the aggressive nature of people on here at times really fucks me off
How about this>http://www.thevapetank.co.uk/product/hcigar_chi_you_style_mod
its on my radar as a next purchase, already bought the Ba Gua 14500 and it seems very well made for the money.

cant be doing with ft atm, all this talk around of gear taking weeks on end to turn up etc has put me off ordering there, the Ba Gua was with me in 2 days.
yeah thats the one i had on order thats got lost in singapore post. hence having to wait for the refund... pain in the butt but seems to be the way of post anywhere at the moment when it comes to ecig related products
Calm it down girls ;)

Dont make me force you to hold hands and sing kumbayar in unison
** La la la Happy thoughts ** :)
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Well I've had two Mech Mods off FT and both have perfomed Great!!! and paid Buttons for them, Also I ordered a Chi You mod on the 1st of October and it was shipped to the U.K yesterday so it should be here anytime soon!!! I don't know if I've just been luckier than most but I've had no problems with FT!!!!:yahoo:
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