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MHRA on youtube

Its received another now as well. and i suspect it` gonna receive a whole lot more, wonder how soon before some-one disables comments and starts deleting.
I would like to encourage ALL our readers to post their thoughts on this video on youtube please ... the more vectors we have to being heard the better ... with that in mind I am making this thread sticky
TheVapourmists1 hour ago
Do you actually believe the drivel that came out from your mouth during this video,really,OK lets try and put this into some kind of sense shall we, E-cigarettes work, the 1.3 million people (and growing) can all (and probably will) testify to that one single fact, your products on the other hand do not..and the truth of the matter lays right there, because something that is not under your control (and nor will it be) actually works.Its NOT a medicine and we are NOT ill and it`s NOT your remit

That was mine, don`t be shy folks, have you say, it`s important
  • My 2 penneth...

  • Well thank you Mr Mean for pointing out that the effective and thus far proven safe alternative to an avoidable death needs your interefence to a degree that will no doubt stop potential e-cig vapers from switching from certain death to eventual death (we do all go sometime you know - or are the MHRA going to regulate death too?)
    My daughter, aged 3 and my unborn child would especially like to thank you for interfering in a product that has seen daddy not wheeze, not smell and not get cancer.
  • I would like to have your response on when the tobacco companies proven killer product is to be removed entirely from our shelves?Perhaps the spoils of funding from big tobacco and big pharma are just too nice and you don't really want to give your Audi/BMW/Mercedes back?
  • Ecigarettes work, they work for 1.3 million people and that is growing fast, tobacco companies and pharma stand to lose out as does government tax revenue from all those revenue streams.. A co-incidence? Not at all.

Can we also get in touch directly with him (politely) to offer future products to be considered 'making safe' through medicalisation? I wonder if we each sent an email directly to explain that we are vapers, not ill and that the MHRA needs to regulate coffee, energy drinks, bacon, ham and I am sure a plethora of other common products that contain harmful (aherm) side effects it could be worth a toot.
I've added my comments, it's hard to get all the points across when you are limited to the number of words you can add. I guess I will just have to add more comments in the future. I did not swear or make personal comments as I suspect those that do are the most likely to get deleted. That said, I need to go kick something......
Bloody hell..............I've got the top comment at the minute................FAME!!
I posted the following:

I vape because it's cheaper than cigarettes, has effective nicotine levels and a wide array of flavours and strengths to choose from. I am not sick and e-cigs cannot cure me so why class as medicine? If as has been stated here "all product that contain nicotine will be regulated as medicine" does that include regular cigarettes? Imagine that "the biggest single cause of avoidable death and I'll health, killing 80,000 people a year" will be a medicine approved and regulated by the MHRA.
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