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mixing help


Jul 9, 2014
mixed up some juice and let it steep for 5 days and now when i try it there is no real flavour but the strange bit is when i made it up i did try some and it tasted like stuff i`ve bought online.

her is what the calc i used said to mix for a 10ml bottle which is supposed tobe cherry menthol at 12mg nic

nic 72mg 100% pg at 1.67ml
pg 1.33ml
vg 4ml
flavour 1ml

flavour is khandi head
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Isn't the recommended for KH 5-10%, using 2%for menthol alone I could understand but not for any cherry flavour.
Maybe BD1 could help, I know he uses some KH concentrates
Isn't the recommended for KH 5-10%, using 2%for menthol alone I could understand but not for any cherry flavour.
Maybe @BD1 could help, I know he uses some KH concentrates

just noticed i put 2ml it was supposed tobe 1ml all change it
Probably just a typo error but shouldn't the PG be 3.33?
As for flavour, upping to 15% rather than 10 could improve things. I haven't used many KH concentrates but the few that I have used, have all been better at 15%.
I've found that all of my diy mixes benefit from a bit of heat right after mixing, an hour or so in a hot water bath. Then just leave to steep as normal.
Probably just a typo error but shouldn't the PG be 3.33?
As for flavour, upping to 15% rather than 10 could improve things. I haven't used many KH concentrates but the few that I have used, have all been better at 15%.
I've found that all of my diy mixes benefit from a bit of heat right after mixing, an hour or so in a hot water bath. Then just leave to steep as normal.

according to the ejuice me up calc i used that is the right mix for what i wanted
mixed up some juice and let it steep for 5 days and now when i try it there is no real flavour but the strange bit is when i made it up i did try some and it tasted like stuff i`ve bought online.

her is what the calc i used said to mix for a 10ml bottle which is supposed tobe cherry menthol at 12mg nic

nic 72mg 100% pg at 1.67ml
pg 1.33ml
vg 4ml
flavour 1ml

flavour is khandi head

1.67ml + 1.33ml + 4ml + 1ml = 8ml , not 10ml
1.67ml + 1.33ml + 4ml + 1ml = 8ml , not 10ml

oops again it should be 2.33ml and 5ml not 4ml my mistake for not checking it right and now its adds up right but still taste like nothing i already had
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Have you tried ejuice me up? Makes things pretty straightforward ;)

20% flavour should be plenty given the suggested percentages.
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