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mmmmm.....my new mix


Oct 20, 2013
will submit it shortly....I call it Daffleberry cream
10% PA Raspberry
5% PA Coconut
5% PA Banana Cream
3% DDL

Just mixed and its good to go but I imagine it even better after a steep....nommmy!!!!!
Sounds interesting, let us know how it is once its had a good steep :)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Am dripping it at the moment and the raspberry is coming through a bit strong, it should mellow out a bit, allowing the coconut to come through more than it is at the moment. It is quite creamy and the banana comes on the exhale at the moment....it is nice however but I think it will definitely be better after steeping..into the cupboard it goes.
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