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They're just like your status :) They have been enabled, head over to your profile and let us know what kinda mood youre in today!
Not again, something else that's not working for me :S This forum doesn't like me lol I can see it's there but no option to add a mood.
Which theme are you using? the dark one?

You should be have a very faint pencil/pen next to it, click that then use the drop down box to pic the mood. In the meantime I will double check your settings to make sure youre enable to use them :D
I've tried both dark and light. No pencil thingy like on the actual status. It says mood and underneath .... but that's it. Nothing to click to change/add it.
Hmm :) I have it here for you on my admin side, I just changed you to "annoyed" lol

Lemme go have a look see.
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