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MTL Pod - Or stick with what I have?


Nov 17, 2021
Currently using a pioneer, pretty good but fancy a change. I was hearing great things about the Hotcig RDS with the 1.2 ohm for MTL but heard the coils are a pain in the ass to get.

Is there any pod system out there actually worth picking up for MTL? Or should I stick with the current setup. If the latter could people advise what coils/wire they are running for mtl? I'm on 26ga kanthal 6 wraps currently I think. Meh is the term best used to describe that lol.


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I use 27 or 28g kanthal or Ni80. All work great for MTL at low watts. In the past I have found that 26g is a bit slow to ramp up.
28g again here too. Kanthal or ss316.

Tried 24 but it's wholly unsuitable tbh... Not so bad for other things mind.

What are you finding particularly "meh" about it?
28g again here too. Kanthal or ss316.

Tried 24 but it's wholly unsuitable tbh... Not so bad for other things mind.

What are you finding particularly "meh" about it?

I Think the coil currenty is designed for around 10 watts, looking for something I can push to 15 or so, vape isn't very satisfying if that makes sense. Cheers
I Think the coil currenty is designed for around 10 watts, looking for something I can push to 15 or so, vape isn't very satisfying if that makes sense. Cheers

I think your current coil is probably better suited to 15 watts plus. I would suggest experimenting by gradually increasing the watts.
28awg NiFe30, 28awg Ni200, 28awg Titanium or 28awg SS316L, I only MTL using TC.
@M4kn i would say try some ss316l wire. get 28 or 29g. you’ll find it ramps up much faster, can go a bit higher with the power because the resistance is lower, has a much cleaner taste and you can also use it for temp control to see if that suits your taste better.
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