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Mtl rda

big john

Jul 16, 2014
Hi peeps is there such a thing as a mtl rda,which as good flavour and squonk pin
The best one for me is the Holic, I suspect it's not easy to find these days.
If you post something in the Wanted section of the classifieds, who knows what offers you'll get.
Cthulhu mods 1928 RDA if you can find it is great. Also, Vandy vape Requiem (standalone, not one inside the kit), with 3 different caps. Bit loose Mtl, but very nice flavor.
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the salix is by far the best one i’ve used. but then i don’t like the idea of drippers with bottom airflow arrangements. you might as well just use a tank. always best with a hole in the side, i feel.
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