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Multimillionaire e-cig tycoon offers £250,000 to catch armed gang who tied him up




Jason Cropper, 48, says he is willing to sell his house in order to track down the thieves

<figcaption>Determined: Jason Cropper is offering big money to catch the criminals who robbed him</figcaption></figure>Cascade News

A multi-millionaire businessman is offering a £250,000 reward to help catch the armed gang who tied him up and poured bleach over him before stealing gold bars.
Jason Cropper - who founded the e-cigarette business Totally Wicked - is determined to track down the thieves who broke into his home in the Lancashire village of Samlesbury last August.
The 48-year-old, who lives alone, was tied up when four masked raiders, armed with crowbars, burst into his £750,000 mansion as he opened the door to let his cat out.
He suffered head injuries and could not walk properly for a week after being hit and dragged along the ground.
He said he believed the group thought he had £4million of gold in his house, which he had recently bought.
After dousing him with bleach and covering his head with a towel, the attackers made off with his £60,000 Range Rover.
Inside it were two gold bars worth around £50,000, plus three watches and £70,000 in cash from his home. The car was later found burnt out.
<figcaption>Attack: Police stand guard outside Mr Cropper's home following the raid last August</figcaption></figure>Cascade News
After almost six months without a breakthrough in the case, Mr Cropper is offering £250,000 reward for help.
And he says he'll add an extra £5,000 every week until he gets information leading to the conviction of gang members who made off in his Range Rover with gold bars and other valuables.
He has also hired a private investigator to help track them down.
"To me, the money is irrelevant," he said. "It is nice to have, but is not particularly important. What is important is that the people are caught."
Mr Cropper founded the e-cig company Totally Wicked in Blackburn, Lancashire, in 2008, built it into a global empire, and stood down as CEO last June.
He quit after he declined to retract comments he made in controversial emails about e-cig licensing to a member of European Parliament and an official from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Mr Cropper said the reward was higher than the value of the items taken, but he was more concerned about catching those responsible.
He said: "I am hoping the reward will just give us one piece of factual evidence.
"Maybe somebody has bought one of the watches or been offered one of the gold bars. I need this strong bit of evidence."
He added that he believed the gang, which was made up of four people, had at least two accomplices and that he was willing to offer £25,000 for information that led to each of their arrests.
<figcaption>Clues: The burned out remains of Jason Cropper's Range Rover were found after the break-in</figcaption></figure>Cascade News
That figure will also increase by £2,500 each week until their conviction. Mr Cropper said he believed that one of the attackers had a Liverpool accent and that other gang members could be from Accrington and Blackburn.
He added he thought the robbers were known to him because of how well they knew his house.
A police investigation was launched, but Mr Cropper has now hired a private investigator to look into the incident.
Since the attack, on August 1 last year, he has spent around £20,000 on advanced security, including 10 cameras, lights, 8ft fencing, a monitored alarm system and a guard dog.
Mr Cropper said he had felt scared and paranoid to be in his home since the robbery.
He said: "It is a personal thing. I am not going to be a victim and I am not going to allow anybody to walk all over me.
"I do not care if I have to sell the house. These people will be found."
A spokesman for Lancashire Police said officers had been made aware of the reward.
He said: "An investigation is ongoing and police are obviously treating the robbery very seriously.
"We are doing everything we can to try and trace the offenders.
"I would appeal for any witnesses to come forward."

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Not one of my most favourite people in the world, never a stranger to sensationalism but that attack was awful and I hope the scum who carried it out do get caught and brought to justice.
I'm not surprised he had that much wealth laying around with the prices on his brands products.
That said, these people deserve to be caught and hung from their nads for shit like that, I'm not surprised the police haven't been any help though, they couldn't catch a cold or if they did health and safety would have something to say about it.
I'm goin for it I'm gonna become a bounty hunter and get em

Sent from my HTC One X using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Why do we have to have these scum on this earth. Self made worked hard to get to where he is, I feel for him no one deserves anything like this. I hope his money gets the scum locked up for a long time.
I had my tools robbed before Christmas and that felt horrible, being attacked like Jason was, he must feel terrible. Good on him for fighting back.
I saw this on the news last week. He reckons his attackers know him. What I want to know is why would he just happen to have a couple of gold bars in his car?
... What I want to know is why would he just happen to have a couple of gold bars in his car?

Clint, what can I say mate? That's what us millionaires do! (In my dreams!) :D

On a serious note, I think along the lines of steffijade. I hope that they are found and justice is served.
There is no justice in this country. If the police find them there will be reports, which will show That they had a deprived childhood and had there teddy bears taken off them and that there bedroom was a shared affair with there younger siblings, and that both parents worked. Sum total of being caught 50 hours community service, smacked wrist, and told don't do it again. The poor chap is better off giving some gold to the biggest thug he knows and telling him 'deal with it'
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