@<a href="http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/members/doodlebug.html" target="_blank">Doodlebug</a>.
I have a few issues with how those tests are conducted though someone has already highlighted that on your actual blog page.
As I point out above, I have one of thr same batch as thr one that failed, bought from the same batch and quite frankly if the venting is inadequate on this, then it is inadequate on any mechanical mod I have seen.
Coulf I suggest that this might be a better way of conducting your tests?
I feel that the oven test, heating the entire mod to 260°c then add the heat generated by the cell going into thermal run away is muddying the results and certainly is not representative of what is actually happening with these failures.
All that said, in over ten years of li ion/li polymer use, including smashing lipo packs into the floor at over 100mph, I have never had a violent failure of a cell yet. Both mutant failures have in common that the owner has messed with the insulators/switch assembly without knowing what they are doing and I wonder if the heating in your test is melting the material that makes up the contact carrier part of the switch? If it melted it could easily seal off the vents BEFORE the cell vented. Has this been considered?