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My first build on the Derringer


Apr 7, 2015
This is my first build, wicked and ready to go
How does it look to you guys?
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1431345971.288781.jpg

The left hand coil is a bit scrappy, I'm sure I can improve on it.
Also I forgot to fire it before wicking, will that be an issue?


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I would definitely want to do a bit of a fire-squeeze routine before adding juice or I think you are going to get hotspots. Take the wick out and stick it on your mod. Fire it until it glows and then as soon as you have taken you finger off the fire button, squeeze and hold the coil with tweezers or mini pliers for a few seconds, rotate and repeat until both coils glow evenly with the heat starting in the centre and working out. Bare in mind that as you squeeze you chill the coil your working on so you have to fire it twice at the end to check they are lighting up simultaneously.
Other than that it looks like a pretty good first attempt :)
Thanks for the advice Diche
I've got them burning evenly now but you were right they needed a bit of work.
Re-wicked and ready to go

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Only issue likely to occur with coils that weren't fired before adding wicks is there may be a trace of oil left on the wire which tastes utterly rank and can contaminate the wicks thus leading you to believe the juice is the culprit. :P
Also u don't have to squeeze to get rid of hot spots u can use what ever u used to coil it. Heat coil insert rod and wiggle gentle and it will even out any hot spots.
All the above is good information, It looks workable and pretty good for a first build. (Is that first build on Derringer or first build in any atty?). It looks about the same as my only derringer build so far which is a dual coil 10 wrap on 2.5mm using 0.32 (28awg), 0.9 Ohm and goes quite well with the Le Petit Gros clone. Talk about stealth vape, I don't think I can go any smaller.

I just got a coilmaster winding tool so am going to wrap some new coils in a bit :)
I've not been building long, couple of weeks. This is the first build on the Derringer, I've been using the rba section of the subtank mini up till now.
I bought the dripper because I'm about to start mixing my own juice and I've read it's good for testing flavours.

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I've not been building long, couple of weeks. This is the first build on the Derringer, I've been using the rba section of the subtank mini up till now.
I bought the dripper because I'm about to start mixing my own juice and I've read it's good for testing flavours.

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Nice work bud. If you wanted to get real fussy you could have your coils dead ahead of the airflow holes so the incoming airflow hits both coils front and cente ;)
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