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Nature vape midi pro and Vamo V5


Feb 8, 2014
Should i have any trouble at all firing up my Nature vape midi pro and Vamo V5 probably running on 1.4 to 1.5 ohms.
I use standard efest and shorty batteries.

What would be the best wattage to use in its use, i currently run 8 watts on my V5 and protank.
I'm using mini protank 2's on my vamo V5, with 1.5ohm coils. Normally at 10watts, and I'm using cotton wickes. As I find silica struggles to keep up, at my preferred level. With no problems.
The vamo should be set not to fire below 1.2 ohms.
And I use efest reds as well.
Hi, you could run the Vamo flat out with the efests. I think they are rated at up to 7 amps. 1.2 ohms at 15 watts comes out at 3.54amps. I usually vape at around 12 watts.
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