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Nautilus x rba


Aug 29, 2016
Does anybody have a Nautilus x who has put in an rba? Are they fiddly to rebuild / worth it over stock coils?
I didn't think there was any yet for the X or am I wrong would be interested to find out
Actually it might be just for the nautilus now looking at the link I have , know sod all about this tank, bought in a job lot on here.
Is it worth purchasing the coils then? How long do they last?
Actually it might be just for the nautilus, know sod all about this tank, bought in a job lot on here.
Is it worth purchasing the coils then? How long do they last?

I'm still on the first one so I can't really answer that, but it seems to be lasting a reasonable amount of time ..... it took a little while to break in but I like it, I've vaped better but it's a nice little tank imo.
Coil wise seemed to last a good amount of time from memory, but I stopped using after learning 50/50 juice was not working for me due to the PG and although it wicks higher vg juice I don't like the taste at lower watts
I love my Nautilus X with high vg and high nic at low wattage- 11 watts or so. Best vape I ve had. Is there any better mtl out there? I mean with shop bought coils.
I loved the joytech cuboid mini with its square tank flavour is in my opinion far greater then nautilus x and you can get 0.5 ohm coils also for it. In comparison the X was mutated against the cuboid mini (my opinion)
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