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Need help please RE vivi nova drip tip/mouthpiece


New Member
May 1, 2013
Hi all, i have just received 4 vivi nova tanks cheap off a friend on another forum, they have no mouthpiece and the one from my normal small ecig doesnt fit. I need to know what drip tip i need that will fit a vivi nova well? a link would be much appreciated also as i have spent the last hour searching for what i need but i dont know what to buy?

many thanks
I have quite a few driptips and it been a case of only some fit snugly in some of the devices. I'd email a vendor that has a lot of driptips and ask what fits nice in a vivi before you order.
Generally found that metal drip tips fit more snugly than plastics with the likes of the vivi's :)
Hi there, there are a few vendors selling some nice 510 metal drip tips, I brought several myself from Charlies Vape Shop so can recommend him personally. If your just after a plastic one to keep you going while you look for some good ones, I have a some from my personal stock, pm me over your details and I will send you one out for delivery on Saturday

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