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Nemesis Clone vs. Caravela Clone

I would go with the Nemesis, it can take 18350/18500 & 18650 battery's. The Caravela is a 18350 battery only mod.
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The caravela does have extension tubes available for 18500 and 18650.

However my vote goes for the nem also
As an owner of all three of those listings, I would recommend the nemesis.
Although the caravela has better threads in my opinion. Threads on the nemesis are quite fine in comparison.
I love my fasttech brass and SS nemesis but there's an issue when i have to lengthen or shorten the mod for different batteries or kick and that is the little brass rings (or SS for the all SS mech) and their threading - they seem to only properly screw into the tube sections they already were screwed into when I received it. When i try to swap them around they'll be a tiny gap between the rings and another tube (about 0.5 mm) but it's noticeable. So I have to match said rings with it's partner for them to screw down all the way.
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