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Nemesis help.


Feb 18, 2014
Anyone have a better suggestion than this to make one-handed operation easier? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1395286461.395683.jpg
Can't get a one finger "grip" very easy without it.
The lock switch seems smaller than your tube and bottom switch. This is making me think you have a mixed stainless and brass nemi?

You should be able to do a one finger lock / unlock quite easily without needing the band.

So strip it down and clean the threads to get rid of any bits of dirt etc

If you did the mixed ss / brass and still have the doner nemi swap the locking ring back to try for size ;)
It's not a thread issue, I just can't get a good flick with one finger using one hand. I might try the O-rings suggestion.something to make it a little easier while driving.
The lock switch seems smaller than your tube and bottom switch. This is making me think you have a mixed stainless and brass nemi?

You should be able to do a one finger lock / unlock quite easily without needing the band.

So strip it down and clean the threads to get rid of any bits of dirt etc

If you did the mixed ss / brass and still have the doner nemi swap the locking ring back to try for size ;)

I guess I should admit it's a clone from FT, but the threads are clean just my uncoordinated fingers that are the problem! Like I say it's only an issue while I'm trying to unlock it and hold it with the same hand.
Doghead a lot of mine are fasttech, dont be ashamed x

Try not locking it all the way down, leave one twist or so, and practice the one finger flick ;)
What an interesting thread. Until reading this I had no idea that folks even bothered to try locking/unlocking one handed. :P Makes me wonder why the other hand is too busy to assist. :yahoo:
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