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Nemmy clone getting HOT


Apr 1, 2014
Hello all, so my Nemsis clone has been doing me good for the past few months with my IGO-M on it; single coils, dual coils, twisted coils, various parallel coils, etc. But upon buying my Mutation X (which is just pure beauty, might I add) and trying the same builds, my Nemesis gets very warm within the first few fires. I can comfortably run a .3 ohm single coil with no problems. But as soon as I throw another coil on there, regardless of the resistance, it seems like the mod just gets too damn hot. I am using VTC 4 batteries, and I'm of course not trying these hot builds all day. But what could be causing this? Just a underrated mod for the RDA itself? I'm buying a Carbon Fiber FUhattan tomorrow, so if it's the mod I have it fixed. But if it isn't the mod... What could it be?
So the igo works fine, and the Mutation X is ok in single coil, its dual coils your having issues with?
I'm gonna have a stab in the dark and say your pulling more amps than you should. I will have another stab in the dark and say its the spring in the switch causing the issues.

Your batteries may well go to 0.2 safely but I bet your switch can't
I'm gonna have a stab in the dark and say your pulling more amps than you should. I will have another stab in the dark and say its the spring in the switch causing the issues.

Your batteries may well go to 0.2 safely but I bet your switch can't

Thats why I asked if its hot at the top, or hot at the switch. Cos if its springs in there still....
... I can comfortably run a .3 ohm single coil with no problems. But as soon as I throw another coil on there, regardless of the resistance, it seems like the mod just gets too damn hot. I am using VTC 4 batteries...

This is the bit that intrigued me.
Get your thinnest kanthal out and build a dual coil 1ohm build and see what happens then. If it still gets hot you probably have a short on the atty if it doesn't you are probably lighting your spring up.

Please bare in mind that batteries can act aggressively when offended and they find shorts deeply hurtful
It could just want a dam good clean !

Give it a strip down clean all threads including the switch if its a spring swap it for magnets.

Have you got another mech you could try the Mutation on ?
Nemmies are not designed for low ohms, in fact, they were designed before the whole sub ohm scene kicked off...
I know, as I've got one. And.I've abused the hell out of it so much I've had to replace 3 sets of magnets due to heat.
The fuhattan is a good choice, and you will notice a huge difference
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