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Vanessa Porter

Apr 14, 2019
Hi everyone- I have just bought an Innokin zenith Tank there is 4 different coils to choose from and I’m stuck on which to get? I like mtl with lots of flavour, does anyone know if the PLEX3D coil is worth trying? I am starting to acquire a lot of different tanks I have a berserker I am trying to figure out- not there yet but hopefully soon!
Welcome to shinyitus, your doomed :D
Can't help with the coil choice though, sorry.
ive not tried the zenith but plenty on here that love this tank.

the new coils are mesh and more for a direct to lung draw so maybe not what you are looking for in mouth to lung 0.35 30-55watts https://www.innokin.com/plex3d/
I don't use my Zenith very often, but didn't find the mesh coils much good for MTL. I think the 0.8 and 1.6 work better
You get a 0.8 and a 1.6 ohm coil with the tank, I'd try both of them and see which you prefer, this is from the innokin website

The tank comes with two different coils to tailor your vaping experience.
– One 1.6 Ohm Kanthal coil for a cooler vape at lower wattages.
– One .8 Ohm Kanthal coil for a slightly warmer vape and slightly higher wattages.

Hi everyone- I have just bought an Innokin zenith Tank there is 4 different coils to choose from and I’m stuck on which to get? I like mtl with lots of flavour, does anyone know if the PLEX3D coil is worth trying? I am starting to acquire a lot of different tanks I have a berserker I am trying to figure out- not there yet but hopefully soon!
Mtl go for the 1.6ohm coil it’s perfect @ 11 watts using 50/50 eliquid
I did not like the mesh coils the plexus or the new 3D one in the zenith although the flavour was impressive I find they vape to hot for me and get a sore throat..
1.6 ohm coil is perfect for me as a mtl vapour it’s good with every eliquid I use and excellent flavour and vapour
All round and last about two weeks of all day vaping on 50/50 eliquid.
0.8 Ohm coil for me just slightly edges it over the 1.6 Ohm

1.6 Ohm 10.5~11w
0.8 Ohm 13.5~14w < my preferred coil >

Originally you "used to get" 1.6 & 0.8 coils supplied
More recent tanks may now come with 1.6 & 0.5 Plexus coil

Haven't tried the 0.5's I got with some tanks - the 0.8 just does me right
dunno anything about the other newer 0.48 coil either

Taste is subjective & opinions are like arseholes etc.....
Some say the Plexus is better & others say nope, it is just a bit of hype
But you got 4 coils to try now & they are very nice coils for people who can't be arsed to build their own

I ran with 1.6 for a while, then tried a 0.8 and seemed to prefer the marginal difference
could be my taste buds or my juice, only a tiny smidge in it but just my personal opinion
but if I ran out of 0.8's it is no biggy to use up some of the 1.6's whilst I wait for 0.8's to arrive
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