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New boy joining the ranks


Nov 5, 2013
Well hello everybody, my name is Keith and im pleased to meet you all . . . im guessing there are thousands of you as well! At 53 years old I make it my mission in life to act like a 12 year old and hang on to the things I loved as a child and a teenager, things like lego, jumpers for goal posts, and generaly taking the piss at people and myself ! 12 weeks ago on a hot and sunny day while working at a rock fest I made the decision to get myself an ecig kit and have one last go at kicking the stinkies. This was made during what I thought was a heart attack, a moment of panic and concern, but it was a wake up call and turned out to be just heat stroke. Heaving on a gasper to calm me down it struck home that it was time to change my lifestyle. Now, im a happy vaper. I gave the fags up there and then and I am proud as punch. Im told, by my loverly wife of 30+ years, that I smell better, socialise better, sleep better and make love better . . . . . that's something ive have been working on all my married life ! Never one to dwell on the past I have no real regrets other than I should have turned to vaping long ago, never gave it a thought until that day of the biggest scare of my life. Today im happy and contented writing this window to me, vaping away and enjoying the comeradery of a few FB forums and now POTV. Building my collection of vape gear is going to be an uncontrolled pleasure of seeking out shiney things as finances permit. To date I use a TW Titan kit for sampling new flavours, a TW Tornado and an EVOD on eGo for work, another EVOD on eGo for going out and a Smok Magneto for relaxing at home or with a sunday morning COSTA. A Protank2 and 2 x9 Protanks make up the Magneto rig. Well, at the risk of rambling on, since I started vaping I have converted four others to get going and they are at 4 to 8 weeks and going strong, so that's my pat on the back bit! Looking forward to some healthy banter on here and some sound advise from you cleaver people. That's me, glad to be here, happy to be alive. Thanks. . . . . sorry for the bad spelling/grammer.
Welcome to the planet, I think you'll fit right in here :) which festival were you working?
Welcome from another Norfolk Vaper :) (53 in April)
Hello and welcome kbj60 and thanks for sharing with us!! I can't say the improvement in love making will occur for all male vapours, but it could be a good selling point to many!!
Hi Purple Flower, it was Cambridge Rock fest. I roadie for a band who played there. It was bloody hot that day and I was running their merch stall and was as busy as hades! Felt a bit rough, went outside an bam! the rest is history and here I am!
Hi Purple Flower, it was Cambridge Rock fest. I roadie for a band who played there. It was bloody hot that day and I was running their merch stall and was as busy as hades! Felt a bit rough, went outside an bam! the rest is history and here I am!
I didn't know they had a rock festival there, only the famous folk one. Well alls well that ends well-hopefully your health will go from strength to strength now :)
Norfolk vapers eh! . . . if calsberg did vapers they would be from Norfolk! Which pubs can you vape in comfort? all the ones ive been in you get looked at 'Put that fag out!
Yep was fine all along! Just a bloke thing! we're a bit crap at pain and stuff!
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