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New fat rabbit rta


Oct 24, 2019
Hi again all so i have bit the bullet and bought the fat rabbit rta and very pleased to be fair plenty of airflow nice clouds and taste cant fault it that way but ..
I have found its leaking quite a bit sometimes which to be honest I think I down to me being new to rtas and wicking and things so I was wondering if anybody has had the same issue and any fixes or advice
Thanks in advance
I don't have the Fat Rabbit, but when I was new to RTAs I had the same problem. Assuming all the seals and o'rings are present and in good condition, the answer is simple - it's the wicking. Cotton stuffed too tight in the ports gets you a dry hit, not enough cotton means it will leak (particularly when filling as opening up the top of the tank releases all the air pressure and the juice easily runs through overly thinned cotton).

Unfortunately it means a bit of trial and error - but once you get it right you will probably not have the same problem again with that style tank.

Good luck
I've had the same issue on a couple of tanks, tauren one & unlimit, normally after filling and screwing the cap on as they push the liquid through I think. apart from using a wee bit more cotton in the wick, I didn'y fully saturate the cotton on a new wick so there was more dry cotton to soak some of this in, and then making sure the tank was empty fully and then taking an extra 2/3 puffs before refilling so it dries the cotton a bit so again it can soak up some of the juice being pushed through. you'll figure out what works with you and your tanks
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