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New lurker surfacing to say hi


Aug 29, 2018
hey fellow vapers,

I've been reading on and off in this forum and thought I could as well sign up and say hi. So... hi! :)

I've been vaping for just over 9 months now. Got my starter kit back then without any expectation or intention to actually quit smoking, but liked the flavour (to be honest it's gross in an RDA now, but back then in a starter it was fine), and thought "let's see how long I can go without a fag." Well, haven't touched any stinkies since that moment.
Instead I jumped right into the massive rabbit hole and have probably spent almost as much money on vaping as I would have spent on smoking (I used to smoke 20+ a day for 20+ years).

In week 2 of my vaping "career" I got my first RTA and mod, couple of weeks later I started DIY mixing, yet another couple of weeks later I got my first squonker. It's been a blast and I ever since the side effects from quitting smoking wore off, I have been feeling better. I can say without hesitation that vaping worked for me, and I turned it into a bit of a hobby. I have also "converted" my brother and my wife's cousin. Go me! Ha.

Anyway, that's my smoke-to-vape background.
Now for gear...

These days I'm enjoying MTL squonking a lot. DL has never really appealed to me. Tried it, but isn't really my thing.
My favourite devices currently are my Therion BF, Inbox 3 and Pulse 80w squonkers, all of them with either Geekvape Ammit MTL or Vandyvape Berserkers RDAs on top. For a bloody good stealthy/portable vape, I'm running a Pico 75w with a Cthulhu Hastur Mini RTA on the go. (Cthulhu 1928 RDA is on the way to me. Got high hopes for that one!)

The next step of my vaping journey will be mechs. GUS 2.2 is on the way, and a Furyan squonker too.

Now you know the most important things about me as far as vaping goes. :)

Again, hi everyone!
[Insert generic welcome message]

I've been vaping just over a month now and have just today received my first RTA and all my stuff to start DIY'ing e-liquid in the mail ;)
hey fellow vapers,

I've been reading on and off in this forum and thought I could as well sign up and say hi. So... hi! :)

I've been vaping for just over 9 months now. Got my starter kit back then without any expectation or intention to actually quit smoking, but liked the flavour (to be honest it's gross in an RDA now, but back then in a starter it was fine), and thought "let's see how long I can go without a fag." Well, haven't touched any stinkies since that moment.
Instead I jumped right into the massive rabbit hole and have probably spent almost as much money on vaping as I would have spent on smoking (I used to smoke 20+ a day for 20+ years).

In week 2 of my vaping "career" I got my first RTA and mod, couple of weeks later I started DIY mixing, yet another couple of weeks later I got my first squonker. It's been a blast and I ever since the side effects from quitting smoking wore off, I have been feeling better. I can say without hesitation that vaping worked for me, and I turned it into a bit of a hobby. I have also "converted" my brother and my wife's cousin. Go me! Ha.

Anyway, that's my smoke-to-vape background.
Now for gear...

These days I'm enjoying MTL squonking a lot. DL has never really appealed to me. Tried it, but isn't really my thing.
My favourite devices currently are my Therion BF, Inbox 3 and Pulse 80w squonkers, all of them with either Geekvape Ammit MTL or Vandyvape Berserkers RDAs on top. For a bloody good stealthy/portable vape, I'm running a Pico 75w with a Cthulhu Hastur Mini RTA on the go. (Cthulhu 1928 RDA is on the way to me. Got high hopes for that one!)

The next step of my vaping journey will be mechs. GUS 2.2 is on the way, and a Furyan squonker too.

Now you know the most important things about me as far as vaping goes. :)

Again, hi everyone!
Glad you’ve introduced yourself, I always say it’s better the devil you know...
Hi and welcome. I think you need some more kit. I've just got the Hotcig RSQ. It's a cracking, regulated, compact squonker
Hello @lucifah , Nice to meet you mate !!!
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