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New to coil building


May 11, 2016
So am new to coil building I want to try a Clapton 1st then move on to some of the advanced coil builds I really like the look of the alien coil build just looking for any tips on best awg wire and any tips on wrapping the Clapton as mine always space out ?
So am new to coil building I want to try a Clapton 1st then move on to some of the advanced coil builds I really like the look of the alien coil build just looking for any tips on best awg wire and any tips on wrapping the Clapton as mine always space out ?
Make sure you use top quality 30amp batteries
Make sure you test the ohms the coils are putting out
Look on YouTube lots of top guys on there giving tutorials.
Look for squidoode, twistedmesses, Trevor Jones (TJ vapes) riptrippers and ohmboy
Enjoy it's fun
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New coil builder don't go straight to Clapton. Make sure you get microcoils bang on first it'll save you a hell of a lot of wire
Youtube Grimm Green, Ohm boy, Twisted Messes, Squid Dooode. All advance coil builders mate. Like chopper said if you've no built coils before, buy a ohm meter, wire and lots of it 26awg is what i started with as its nice and thick, get a RDA with a nice big velocity style deck ( easiest to build on imo) if you haven't already, juist build build build just standard coils get that mastered whilst also getting a understanding for ohms law and battery safety, then you're laughing mate.

If your going for claptons i would start with 24/26awg kanthal with a 32/32awg kanthal for your outta Clapton wire, be aware you WILL waste ALOT of wire your 1st 2nd and possibly even your 3rd time round, once you get the technique down there's nothing greater than busting out some pretty coils.
My First attempt at clapton you can see how space the wire was on the left one compared to my 4th attempt and 50 million meters of wire.
2 weeks later and i done a fused clapton which wasnt too bad. 2x24 ni80 wrapped in 32 kanthal. All About practice matey.
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