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New Member
Mar 17, 2017
Hi never posted here before and new to all this I'm looking at building my own mod box just because I am hobbieless at the moment and bored pretty much so just want to see if I can do it and if so something stupid.
I plan on building roughly 6 parralel 18650 mod but no matter where I look I can't find answers( probably never typed in the right questions tho )
I have a Hammond case fat daddy flush 510 and a voltmeter but what kind of switch can I use I don't know power stuff as I'm still reading into it so what volts should my switch be able to handle and also what modest would be best to use power wise ? Cheers
Hi @Levi I just built my first mod and the best advice I can give you is to look through some of the wiring diagrams in the sticky at the top of this section. But to answer your question with regards to switches I'm assuming your referring to the fire button on the mod, the best way to do this seems to be to use a MOSFET to handle the amp load and then use pretty much any switch you please. Modmaker and Steathvape are two good place to shop around for your components.

Best of luck and stay safe.
I'd use a mosfet and any switch from modmaker.com
As for your build, check the wiring diagrams sticky in this section, the dual 18650 parallel mosfet diagram would work for any amount of batteries so long as they are in parallel.
I would think you will struggle more to find an enclosure for a six cell build more than anything, but the mosfet will sort your switch
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