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New Unit update with pics


Jul 13, 2012
The move is going well and should be complete by next Tuesday where we will be fully operating from there :) its a work in progress with loads to do and lots of stock to move over but the bulk of work is done ....
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Daz has a bunker!! QUICK EVERYONE TO HIS PLACE!!!

Looks brill Daz! Hope I can get down that way to have a looksie this spring /summer!
In the 1st picture is a box...within that box there are 3 one litre bottles of juice, you will notice how scared and frightened they are..i did, and they are now i am happy to report in a new home.. a safe home, They have been afforded the luxury of being taken out of the Horrid plastic tubs and have been gently, and thoughtfully placed in a nice clean Glass bottle, and for good measure they have their very own Freezer.

This story had a happy ending but there are still many unclaimed and homeless bottles of juice out there, if you know of any of these poor juices please consider giving them a home, you can contact juice Rescue centers by searching on the forums here, you can even get discounts.. Please people Vape generously and contact a vendor today .
It would be nice to have a decent shop in Walsall as tw is overpriced
Congrats Daz wish you every success with your new digs

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