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May 6, 2014
Just thought I'd say hi, definitely interested in finding out more about the vaping community
Welcome to the friendliest vaping forum out there @JackHewitt If you are interested in finding out then there is some clever git that knows the answer on here, say your goodbye`s to the wife and kids cos you wont be talking to them much over the coming months, unless that is you need to distract her whilst the postman drops a load of vape gear off at your door most weeks :D
Hi @JackHewitt and welcome to POTV. :)

Are you actually a vaper yourself?

We just tend to assume that everyone who joins is a vaper but as you mention finding out more about the vaping community, I wonder if you're on the outside looking in, as it were?

We've had a few students pop in asking questions and wanting members to participate in surveys etc.

Either way, a browse around the forum will give you lots of info and plenty of ideas if you do vape yourself.

Have fun. ;)

Not a vaper myself, fall into the student category as it happens as my dissertation is on e-cigs from a business perspective at uni and finding the website pretty interesting and informative. x
:2thumbsup: Hi Jack!!! ( no pun intended )
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