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New Youtube reviewer

A v C

Feb 9, 2018
Hi Guys new on POTV been a vaper now for over six years and finally took the plunge to producing my own reviews on youtube. Please check me out A v C Another vape Channel
I hope its right to post this on here if not please let me know and I will remove this thread[/B]
Hi There and "Welcome Aboard!" :)
I have removed all your links as you will need 100 posts before you are eligible to start posting youtube reviews. Reason we have changed the rules is that we had an influx of "Reviewers" who posted their stuff and then ignored all questions that the members asked. :(
Hi There and "Welcome Aboard!" :)
I have removed all your links as you will need 100 posts before you are eligible to start posting youtube reviews. Reason we have changed the rules is that we had an influx of "Reviewers" who posted their stuff and then ignored all questions that the members asked. :(
okay sorry about that did not know the rules, my aim is to eventually do some written reviews for your members on here. Do not know how I go about it. Any info and guidance would be welcome
Now THAT would be good!! :2thumbsup::2thumbsup:
Anything you need to know, just drop me a PM :)
Hi and welcome to the forum! reviewers are always welcome at POTV but as long as they take part and contribute to the forum as Rob has pointed out!
Great to have you here and look forward to seeing your reviews [emoji4]
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