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Mod box and rda question


New Member
Feb 1, 2016
ive got a lite 40 box and also bought a mephisto dripping atomizer, now here's the question.... Is it safe and what coil would best suit this mod ? What ohm ? Etc help is required as don't want to mess it up, I appreciate the advice as clouds need to be blown big
Without sounding like a total cunt, before you start trying to blow massive clouds without knowing what your mod is even capable of do some research. It only takes 2 mins to do a quick google search and find its limits. Then spend a bit of time learning perfecting coils before you start pushing mods and batteries to their limits.
To be fair I have looked into it and I do know the boundaries, and have gaped for a while....but as I'm new to drippers I needed reassurance that I'm doing the right thing before going ahead...it's probably trial and error building coils to the right ohms but I'm going ahead with it and gonna give it a go !!!
To be fair I have looked into it and I do know the boundaries, and have gaped for a while....but as I'm new to drippers I needed reassurance that I'm doing the right thing before going ahead...it's probably trial and error building coils to the right ohms but I'm going ahead with it and gonna give it a go !!!

Ok bud,well then the way forward is to visit Stealthvape and get a mixture of different gauge wires and get building. Practice makes perfect and just make sure you check all your builds with an ohm meter before you use them.

It's fairly easy once you've got the hang of it.
Thanks for the replies all taken on board....ill be posting a lot more on my progress into the coil building world
Usually posts like this receive more helpful responses when you post the solution you believe to be correct.

It gives an indication that you do know what you're doing rather than saying "Yeah I know how to make the coils, but what would you build? Want to make sure clouds are MASSIVE, how would you do that?"

Good luck.
I started writing out the whole schpiel below, which pretty much covers the basics of what I would have liked to have known when I started building coils. But then I did a bit more research on your mod, and the fact that it's cheap(no offence intended at all), from an unknown vendor, doesn't have variable wattage or any kind of display and the only safety features mentioned are "a safety cut-off feature for safety" doesn't provoke any kind of confidence.
So I would advise against building coils with your current set up and invest in a better/VW mod, but if you're anything like me, you're going to try anyway. So I've kept my original response in here(below), just be careful dude! and don't end up like one of those exploded battery face victims that the anti-vape community use as ammo.

[[You don't mention whether or not you have an ohm meter, and I don't see any indication of one on any images of the lite 40 mod that you have, so I wouldn't recommend that you start building coils until you have one.
If you do have one, then as the manufacturer of the Jomo Lite 40 suggests, you can go as low as 0.5 ohms, but I personally vape 0.5ohms at around 45-50W, so try aiming for 0.7 or higher.
So get some 26 to 28 AWG Kanthal A1(I'd recommend The Crazy Wire Company, as they're super cheap. google it, and don't bother with Nichrome, twisted or clapton just yet, due to lack of TC and 40W not being enough to heat 'crazy' coils quickly).
Then build and fit your first coil, while counting the number of wraps and leaving enough excess wire on the legs to add an extra wrap or two until you achieve your desired resistance(0.5ohm+ for single coil or 1ohm+ for dual). Keep in mind though, that the lower your resistance, the more watts you'll need to heat the coils and create descent vapor.

The rest is just trial and error while adjusting the ratio between wire and jig diameter and number of wraps.]]
Very good explanation there I thought it would be a lot more difficult than that still I am a long way off building my own coils haha
I am purchasing a new mod tomorrow, and yes I know some things as I've been vaping a while now... But still nice to get responses and give u a wider picture so as mattn said, I don't want to be a victim of a face full of battery !!! On that note I shall go look for a new mod now
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