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newbie to the forum and to vapeing


Apr 11, 2014
hi all i'm new to vapeing (only been vapeing 1 week) and need some advice on atimizers im using a ego t battery with lcd screen i was given and a cheep ce4 atimizer i bought from ebay (99p)
i would like to ask is there a diferance between atimizers and clearmizers and whats best ce4 style or evod style
and what ohms rate is best
also iv been reading about diy e juice is it easy for a noob to make and can i use the flavouring i buy from a supermarket that i use for bakeing to make my own e juice
many thanks
Hi and welcome. I have found nothing wrong with the ego t battery so far, and I have just upgraded to Aspire Bdc clearomisers which are very nice.

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hi thanks for the welcome :grin2: anyone know if you can get maple syrup flavered juice and where from
many thanks twoca
Aloha man
Atomisers are what you got in the old style ecigs, small piece of cotton, quickly dries out, can top up with different flavour each time (dripping atomiser)
Cleartomisers are your tank, refillable, large reservoir of liquid, usually with wicks hanging down (CE4) or bottom fed (EVOD - wick at bottom so liquid doesnt need to soak up as much)

Personally i prefer the evod style, never seems to dry out and less chance of that dredded dry heave inhale.
Ohms are all personal choice, there is a table on the web somewhere giving you and idea so that its hot enough to produce vapour but not so hot that you get burnt liquid
Id say to wait until you get more into it before going all out on the whole Ohms, Variable Voltage vs Variable Wattage stuff, thats the more advanced gear like the innokin MVP.
I've only just started with an Re-Buildable Atomiser (Kayfun clone) in the last month and it can be a bit of a pain (slicing fingers while making your own coils is always fun)
hi thanks for the welcome :grin2: anyone know if you can get maple syrup flavered juice and where from
many thanks twoca

Don't do it. I love maple syrup, on my BBQ kebab things. Etc. Hangsen do it. So I bought a bottle thinking it would be nice, but it tasted like burnt wood.

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hi thanks for all the advice think im gona try the kanger evod or kanger evod 2 and as for maple syrup i was looking forward to trying that but ill not bother if its that nasty
many thanks
:hugs: Hello There!!! Try the maple Syrup if you fancy it!!! Everyones tastes are different, I used to love the Kentucky Maplewood juice from Vermillion River until I switched to 50/50 VG PG mix!!!
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