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Newbie vapor: How to be an Expert?(E-Cigarette)


Apr 15, 2015
Vape?Vaping?Vapor?What’s the hell are you saying! Newly come into the e-cig world, wanna wanna do more to the world of E-CIG?
For start, you should learn the Vape Glossary,here’s some BASIC ones,Watch out~

Vape: The electronic version of “to smoke”. Refers to as such because of water vapor produced when the atomizer heats e- liquid.
Vaping: The act of using an electronic cigarette. Power is supplied to the heating element that vaporizes the e-liquid and vapor is then taken into the lungs and provides the sensation of smoking along with nicotine if it is present in the e-liquid.
Vapor: The water vapor that is produced when the liquid is heated by the atomizer or coil.
Vaper: A person who vapes. A smoker smokes. A Vaper vapes.
Vaporizer: The Vaporizer turns a liquid into a gas or vapor. Another term used for electronic cigarette, e-cig, PV, etc.
PV – Personal Vaporizer
APV – Advanced Personal Vaporizer
Carto – Cartomizer: the combination of the heating element and the juice delivery system into a single unit. It is disposable and not considered to be refillable, although many users manage to do so. Cartomizers can come in a single coil, dual coil, or even a triple coil configuration. Single coils use one coil and our standard in cartomizers. Dual coils have two coils and our commonly used in tanks. Having more than one coil has the ability to produce twice as much vapor or the same amount twice as fast from the standard.
Clearo–Clearomizer: A clearomizer is the transparent version of a cartomizer. Designed to allow users to see how much e- liquid they have left. Many have ml graduations for the capacity of e-liquid left. Made of very easily breakable plastic in order to remain transparent. A wick or wicks are generally used for the juice delivery to the coil. There are top coil and bottom coil configurations. Many versions are constantly evolving in order to improve the performance the user desires. `
Atty – Atomizer : the heating unit of the electronic cigarette. Metal wire wrapped around a core and is contained in a metal housing that screw into the battery. When electricity from the battery is applied it vaporizes the e-liquid. This generates the vapor.)
RBA: Rebuildable Tank Atomizer: Rebuildable Atomizers vary in design. Some have a fabric wick, while some stay more pure from burning elements and use SS mesh and kanthal wire. Rebuildable atomizers are meant to save on cost and be readily fix-able. Some incorporate a tank for holding e-liquid.
Drip: To drip drops of e-liquid into an atomizer.
Dripping: Dripping is the act of allowing e-liquid to manually getting to the heating element by “dripping” e-liquid onto the heating element directly. Some consider “dripping” to provide the best vapor, throat hit and flavor. No e-liquid delivery system is involved from a typical electronic cigarette system.
RDA –Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer:generally advanced in this atomizer,which allow you to replace the wick and coil system inside of them.They require you to manually wrap a wick of some tupe with resistance wire to create a coil.(assembly to RTA)
Bat – Battery
Mod – This is a casual term, used in a variety of ways, to describe a ‘homemade device’ otheriwise known as the stupid way to vape, or a modified Person Vaporizer, also stupid, to an electronic cigarette that is completely mechanical, no electronic involved, and even as a way to describe ANY eCigarette. Every time you hear the Mod just think eCigarette and you’ll do fine.
Mechanical Mod – A mechanical mod, or mech-mod, is an electronic cigarette that lacks electronics, it’s basically a flashlight with an 510 or 801, or eGo (see eGo), or even a 901 thread connector. They can be a very afford sub-$50 device all the way to the absurd amount of $3000+. They output 3.7v or 4.2v, depending on the brand and the model.
Voltage: Volts are supplied to the atomizer or cartomizer from the battery. Many electronic cigarettes supply approximately 3.7V. Multi voltage devices have a range of predetermined voltage settings.
Watts: Watts is a measurement of power that is the function of the voltage of your electronic cigarette or mod and the resistance of your atomizer or cartomizer. Watts = Voltage (squared) of your device divided by the resistance of your atomizer or cartomizer.
Wick: A wick is an absorbent material that is used in many different styles of atomizers. A type of poly or silica string or number of strings is often used for the wicking. (Wicking) also refers to the act of directing the e-liquid from the container to the heating element.

Tomorrow would introduce some glossary about E-juice and some resources to learn more things about vaping~
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