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May 23, 2014
Hi, I'm new to this, so it's going to take me a while to get around and read up on things

ATM I have aspire bdc that I was bought for my birthday, I'm interested in hearing what others are out there and what people would recommend


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I was going to order another atomiser, i was just wondering what you think i should get and where is the cheapest place to get it :)
Aloha man, check the bargains forum as people usually post good stuff on there, there's also places like fasttech (lots of clones but takes a while for delivery), zainy, priceangels, e5cigs and many others out there (there's another big one but cant find it at the moment). Personally I like Kangertech stuff, especially the Aerotank (just ordered the Aerotank Mega).

Gear wise I have shinyitis:
SMOK e-pip + aerotank + long (85mm) drip tip
Hammer e-pipe + protank 3 (with aero valve) + another long drip tip
Nemesis (with kick (Variable Voltage mod)) + Kayfun lite
Panser + Fogger v4
Hades + Aerotank Mega (when it arrives)
Magneto + Omega RDA
MVP v2 + Unitank
Also have a few ego-T's with protank minis (will be upgrading to aerotank minis eventually)

I swap them around quite a bit too, and o have stuff like the Vamo v5 in my sights too but I have had to curb my spending until I get a job (just finished Uni)
Hi and welcome to the planet

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Welcome to the planet! Any questions you have, just fire away, we are all happy to help :)
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