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NiFe 52/60/70 help!

Chuck Norris

Mar 13, 2014
Ive picked up some 1m samples from Crazy Wire Company.

I’ve got the following but not sure which is TC or Power only or can do both and what TCR I should be using

26g NiFe 70
24g NiFe 52
24g Flat Ni60
24g Ni60

Also had some 24/32 ni200 Clapton to try in my dna40....never tried clapton ni200 before so keen to see how it performs compared to my old twisted wire
NiFe is TC only
Nichrome power only
Caveat that if you're using a DNA mod with Replay NiFe can be used in Replay power mode.
For TCR's check SteamEngine.
Thanks mate will check out steam engine.

I’ve only DNA mod I’ve got is an old Vs DNA40 so I think it’s only ni200 that’ll take in TC
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