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Noob question on VV / VW


Aug 20, 2013
OK Before I fire up my shiny new SVD for the first time is there anything I should know about using VV/VW, I'm aware that too high will give a burnt taste but exactly how does it work? Does Voltage affect taste and wattage the vapour production or is that too simplistic?

Well everyone has there own preference with taste vapor production etc, so I'd say just start at the lowest and go up and down till you find your sweet spot
I find some flavors and attys to be a little different to each other so just have a play about and you should get on OK after a while :)
I also find different juices react to different voltage so I often up and down my voltage depending on the liquid, good advice though to start low and find your sweet spot
voltage has to be set by you for each different atomizer resistance you use, as a rough guide maybe go less than double, if its a 2 ohm coil go for less than 4 volts till you see how it is. Watts is more automatic, if you set it to say 8 watts; that will give a similar vape with different atties so when you find your ideal watts you can swap round the atties and leave the watts the same.
Hi. I find the best results are achieved by adjusting the wattage rather than the voltage. there are quite a few posts on the forum that bear out that view. I have Vamo V2, V3 and a Smok SID. The setting is remembered by the mod even after changing the battery, this is not the case when in VV mode.
OK thanks all, I have this nailed now. It was staring me in the face - and me being an engineer should have spotted it...:imstupid

You either set the Voltage according to the impedance of the coil or you set the power level required. Since the RMS power regulation system on the SVD is far more accurate and doesn't vary with the lessening voltage of a draining battery then the simple answer is use the power setting all the time! You also get the added bonus that it remembers the power setting even without the battery...

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