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Norbert's Origen V2 - A helpful diagram.


Dec 31, 2013
A number of people have been having the same issue as each other getting that good flavour from this rda.
It happened to me & it keeps surfacing with other users so i made this diagram to explain what words take longer to tell.

If you're a seasoned origen2 user then your input would be well received & this is not meant as the bible of how-to's.


I have found that air flow nearer the bottom of the coils gives me the best results & it makes no difference weather you are using vertical or horizontal coils, the theory is the same. I also noticed that if the juice well is full the vape is not as good but once it's down a bit, then the magic happens. If this doesn't work it's check in time & a process of elimination is always a good idea.
IMO the above is why the origen works....
why the kayfun works
why the omega works
why the immortalizer works
airlow from below the coil(s)
really think this should be in how to section of forum
just watched rip tripper review of origen rda and he made the same error re flavour...
coils smack in the centre of the air holes.
Gave it a negative review re flavour and vapour density.
Currently running Nokomis on origen dual coil horizontal ribbon....flavour is almost to much
Wonder how many people listed their origen due to lack of flavour ?
My Origen is bang on, never had an issue with flavour. I would say it's the best dripper IMO.

i build vertical coils. I usually try and get the air hole in the middle of the coils and it has never failed me yet.
i had a v1 and i used the same method.
really think this should be in how to section of forum
just watched rip tripper review of origen rda and he made the same error re flavour...
coils smack in the centre of the air holes.
Gave it a negative review re flavour and vapour density.
Currently running Nokomis on origen dual coil horizontal ribbon....flavour is almost to much
Wonder how many people listed their origen due to lack of flavour ?

Well like i said, it's not like THE way, not the bible but yeah, it works & i built another one last night with horizontal coils, used that guideline & it worked instantly. I havn't had to alter anything. Such a simple detail that i would probably get pooh-pooh'd for stating the obvious. I could just put it there i suppose but i didn't want to come across all knowing. It's just that a good few people we're having the same deal.
Thanks for taking the time to post this up dude.

i can confirm that the raised coil works for me spot on . :)
Thanks for taking the time to post this up dude.

i can confirm that the raised coil works for me spot on . :)

Thanks mate. I'm not mad after all. :57: It's so well built that no two can be any different from each other but i have an open mind if anyone has any other suggestions.
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