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Oh Dear! I fear all is lost!


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
"Fashionably Late" is a term that applies to me in just about everything it would seem?
A brief history if I may?

Always was a Die Hard RTA user and hated anything RDA because of all the faff factor. Everyone told me that I didn't know what I was missing by shunning RDAs so completely. I tried them, I really did, but nothing "worked" for me in a way that I found pleasing.

Enter Squonking. I was first introduced to it in the early days of it's appearance on the scene and the idea had great merit, yet somehow, I over looked it still.
Then came a Meet at Steam Tea, @Huggett presented me with a Kanger Drip Box and I had been tooting away as and when I fancied it ever since. I then acquired a VTInbox and REALLY began to get the bug, I love the Inbox, I think it is a superb Mod for the money and featuring the DNA75 Chip was an added and most welcome bonus.

With the advent (and short term bankruptcy) of the arrival of the Limelight Freehand I can honestly say that not only do "I get it" now, but this has opened up a whole new episode in "Herge's Adventures of Rob" when it comes to Vaping.

I can't see me ditching my beloved Calixes and Apollo RDA's anytime soon, but........... The Freehand hasn't left my side since its arrival, something that I have heard from many other Freehand Users, so it isn't a case of The Emperor's New Clothes". The only slightly worrying thing is that The Memsahib is eyeing up the Freehand with a particularly nasty gleam in her eye!!

That's it for now, but for anyone else considering a foray into squonking........ Never say Never.
The Freehand does seem to be the Squonk to aspire to.
What is your atty of choice?
Hats off.
Funnily enough, my first experience of squonking was also with a Kanger Dripbox and it has totally put me off.

Squonking wouldn't really be of any use to me - the only flavour I use extensively tastes wrong outside of a Kayfun, so there would be no benefit of having a large reservoir of juice on hand.
Funnily enough, my first experience of squonking was also with a Kanger Dripbox and it has totally put me off.

Squonking wouldn't really be of any use to me - the only flavour I use extensively tastes wrong outside of a Kayfun, so there would be no benefit of having a large reservoir of juice on hand.
The dripbox 160 is a great squonker but topped off with possibly the worst rda ever created. You really have to know your coils to get any flavour from the damn thing. Stick a tsunami or goon on it and your in heaven.
The Freehand does seem to be the Squonk to aspire to.
What is your atty of choice?
Hats off.

At the moment @skinku, I'd probably say that the Hadaly is winning, but the NarDA is still in there. Certainly as far a building goes....... The Hadaly is way more simple.:D
I suppose it's like someone telling you the've seen the best film ever or read the greatest book... If you're expecting the best vape experience ever then you're going to be dissapointed.

Very simply put ....If you use a rda / dripper as your weapon of choice then squonking wont set your world alight. If you enjoy vaping using a dripper but can't be arsed with all the faff then squonking is right up your street.


How about the ijoy rdta? Not squonking but pretty close?
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