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Oh hi Mark!


Feb 6, 2018
Hey everyone!

My story is pretty familiar I'm sure but here we go anyway :51:

I smoked for 10 years, tried quitting a few times with little success until I tried vaping (surprising I know). I had tried cig-a-likes before, but they are terrible IMO. Once I tried again with an Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 kit & that's when it worked, that was back in October 2014. Three mods & more atomizers than I'd like to admit here we are.

I finally register to make sure I get the right thing from now on, I've mostly been spot on when it comes to my choice of atomizers though. Mods though, just one dud a Wismec Predator 228... not what I was expecting at all.

I am bad at ending threads so....
Oh Hi Mark! Hows your sex life?

Welcome to the planet! You've come to the right place for advice, lots of helpful apes here :)
Hi There @Tribulation and "Welcome Aboard!" :)
A very familiar story and I am sure you'll find yourself in exceptionally good company here since many of us have been through "The Trials and Tribulations" :) that you describe. I would think that most of us have tried and then lost in various drawers just about everything that comes along. Over the last 3 years I have really reined it in and tend to stick to a very tried and tested path these days, which means I avoid too many Lemons, but miss out on a few really good items no doubt.

I'm sure we'll all empathise with you in that respect, so tell us more!!! :2thumbsup::2thumbsup::2thumbsup:
Hello @Tribulation , Nice to meet you mate !!!
I did not hit her ,,,I did not. I did naaaaaaaat... oh hi mark

Hey man welcome! I’m new here too !

Thanks everyone, a warm welcome indeed! @vapellie oh I don't need help buying lots of atomizers... I do enough of that on my own lol

@Rob on average I put about a month of comparisons into whatever I buy, so it's proven by that point hopefully... but you still see things being missed by reviews & consumers. Take my Wismec Predator 228 it takes a lifetime to fire, it's so heavy it might as well be made of tungsten, it scratches very easily, I've heard the 510 threads/negative connection is just press fitted, it switches between power & temp control without me asking it to, it's inaccurate at reading ohms, it drains batteries down to 0%, it heats up during use.... agh it's pretty awful honestly. I posted about it here: https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...-issues-you-are-tearing-me-apart-lisa.155742/.
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