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One shot ejuice


Dec 27, 2014
Hey Guys,
Hope everyone is doing ok.
I'm after your help, I'm looking for some decent one shot e-juice, so far I have only used Dark star, and I have to say I have been pretty unimpressed with there one shot's, I have tried around 11 -12 of there one shot's and out of all of them maybe 2 or 3 have been any good.
I find there juices to be pretty mute on flavour, and the ones with flavour seem to lose the flavour really quick, maybe it's just me but that has been my experience so far, and yes I give them there full steep time and some extra on top .
So what id like to know is if anyone has tried any of the one shots from either Flavour Boss or Drip Hacks, I have heard quite a lot about Drip Hacks but I don't really want to buy any more juice for it to not be good.
Does anyone have any experience with either of the 2 company's mentioned or any other good one shot juice and reasonable prices.
Apricate any replays

Pink Lemonade from Flavour Boss is my ADV now. I love the stuff. The Muffin Man is pretty chemically even after the 4 week steeping time. Got the Boss Reserve steeping too and that stuff smells banging!
Oh and a mate of mine sent me a little bottle of the Flavour Boss Lemon Tart which is the one! I've just ordered a 500ml bottle shot of it.
The only one's I've used from your specified makes is DH Roly Poly and DH Butterboy. They're pretty good if you like their flavour profile.
If you are struggling for strong flavours (As I do ) , take a look at Cotswold Vapour concentrates.
Pink Lemonade from Flavour Boss is my ADV now. I love the stuff. The Muffin Man is pretty chemically even after the 4 week steeping time. Got the Boss Reserve steeping too and that stuff smells banging!

Thanks for that man Ill have to check them out.
The only one's I've used from your specified makes is DH Roly Poly and DH Butterboy. They're pretty good if you like their flavour profile.
If you are struggling for strong flavours (As I do ) , take a look at Cotswold Vapour concentrates.

Ill take a look at Cotswold Vapour concentrates now. I did like the sound of ButterBoy I must admit Thanks man
I use a fair few from Nom Nomz
It will also depend on what flavours you are also looking for as some are better than others on
certain flavours.
Well I've ordered a couple from Drip Hacks to try I have also checked out all the other sites suggested to me by everyone and will be making orders to try from them sites also
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