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Only started vaping 6 weeks ago


Dec 25, 2013
Hi try Heavenly Vanilla Custard or Blurberry menthol the quite cool and sweet or if you dont like it sweet then try Hazelnut Tobacco
I don't like tobacco flavours, my fav at the mo are blueberry, peardrops, gooseberrys and cream, brizzla custard and kola cubes, but they ain't perfect, I want that perfect vape the one I cant put down until I get a headache :) I really want to try peanut butter
I don't like tobacco flavours, my fav at the mo are blueberry, peardrops, gooseberrys and cream, brizzla custard and kola cubes, but they ain't perfect, I want that perfect vape the one I cant put down until I get a headache :) I really want to try peanut butter

I'm assuming shop bought juice that may not be steeped enough yet.
Device type and setup also make a difference to the taste.

And look. not a shiny in sight.
I only buy juice online, have bought from vapology, cloudstix, kracken, darkstar vapour and vapemunki, and few others also a couple of bottles from a shop called personal vapour x
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