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Outside Differences between DRAG 1 and New DRAGS


Aug 30, 2016
VOOPOO DRAG 2 / MINI will upcoming, do you know the differences between them with DRAG 1?

Following the same design and solid quality of DRAG 1, DRAG 2 mod is slimmer and 1/4 lighter than its predecessor, making it more friendly for everyday use. The biggest optimization of this mod, comes internally.


Check the size and the differences, find something?

In conclusion:

Full use of ergonomic design
Great portability and ease of use

Are you expecting for the new DRAGS?




Don't miss the giveaway, winners will be picked tomorrow. Hurry up~
I think you're missing the point, people would like to see the back as well.
I think we all know what the back's going to be like. They even said above that the main change is in the innards of the mod. I still think the change to rounded edges is a major plus as well.

I wasn't keen on the big drag on the backside of my mod myself but I always made sure the resin was facing me when vaping so I didn't have to see it.
I think we all know what the back's going to be like. They even said above that the main change is in the innards of the mod. I still think the change to rounded edges is a major plus as well.

I wasn't keen on the big drag on the backside of my mod myself but I always made sure the resin was facing me when vaping so I didn't have to see it.
It's not even so much the big 'DRAG' on it for me .... it's more that they make a big deal of the resin colours ...... then only put them on one side (probably). A mod is a 3D object, it's not something that would naturally live against a wall with the back hidden! It strikes me as cheap. And dishonest not to show it. :12:
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And dishonest not to show it. :12:

= It’s a bit like how the colonial settlers did deals with Native Americans.

I don’t like resin much really to be honest. Sometimes if it’s all a similar colour. These are a bit Timothy Leary/ Haight-Ashbury etc.
It's not even so much the big 'DRAG' on it for me .... it's more that they make a big deal of the resin colours ...... then only put them on one side (probably). A mod is a 3D object, it's not something that would naturally live against a wall with the back hidden! It strikes me as cheap. And dishonest not to show it. :12:

I do agree. But from a marketing point of view they're trying to create hype by giving out a little at a time so I imagine in the next few days or so we'll be treated to a view of the back. Who knows, we may see a full resin design or it might be the big drag again.
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