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Review PANZER Black Hawk (Clone)


Jun 19, 2014
Please remember that this review is my own opinion(s) and all that other legal stuff.

First things first - I’m new to vaping, only been doing small clouds for 4 weeks. I started with a small eGo starter kit and rapidly moved to MVP V2 with a Kanger ProTank 3, tried out and still use the Kanger AeroTank for Vapour Monster, Falkirk (vapourmonster.com). I’m now using a Kayfun 3.1 (Clone) as my main tank. I’ve also moved away from tobacco flavoured juice, figuring if I was leaving the dreaded weed behind I might as well go the whole hog.

After using the MVP V2 for 3 weeks now (and I have to say what as piece of kit!) I decided to try out a Mech Mod, after watching LOADS of reviews I had it narrowed down to about 6, joking, the main 2 contenders were the Hammer and the Panzer, then I saw the Black Hawk version, and as they say the rest it history.

Ordered the mod from Vape N Quit (vapenquit.co.uk) together with a Russian 91, in black, (both clones, budgetary constraints). The Postman was a welcome sight 2 days later carrying my vape-mail.

In the interest of fairness I decided to use my ProTank 3 figuring it was a known quantity and would let the PBH speak for its self. As I bought the mod to fit in my hand I’m using in 18350 mode.

This clone is weighty even in 18350 mode and without a battery its heavier than the MVP. The finish is excellent, the only difference I’ve noticed so far between this clone and others, including the original, is the on the top cover. On mine there’s a white infill as opposed to the metal finish I’ve seen. Threading is smooth and clean with no rough spots or burrs on any of them. Balance is great, in 18350 mode, and right in the centre really nice touch. The sprung connecting pin and adjustable firing button are a great feature and get rid of battery rattle, even with the fire button adjusted all the way in. This means the fire button is recessed so there’s no locking ring.

So how does it vape, this is no pun, like a tank. This mod even straight out the box is producing the same amount of vapour as the MVP set at 10 W with the ProTank 3. I’ve seen some reviews that mention volt drops. Without a meter I can't say if mine is suffering the same problem but if the hit is anything to go by then I’m not having that problem.

I can’t wait to stick the Kayfun and Russian on it just to see what the PBH will do.

Hope this review is of use to the clone fans out there. Is there a name for those of us who use clones? Apart for cheap that is?
How about sensible? If it wasn't for clones, I'd be still melting clearo s, or worse still back on tobacco. To cure the genuine gear complaints, I bought a couple of real items, both of which spend most of their lives sat on the mantlepiece as I'm sat sucking on an Origen clone RDA(modified, which I'd never do to a genuine)attached to a homebrew battery box mod. Both these items outperform my genuine items. :P

posted by an idiot via [email protected] ohms:P
How about sensible? If it wasn't for clones, I'd be still melting clearo s, or worse still back on tobacco. To cure the genuine gear complaints, I bought a couple of real items, both of which spend most of their lives sat on the mantlepiece as I'm sat sucking on an Origen clone RDA(modified, which I'd never do to a genuine)attached to a homebrew battery box mod. Both these items outperform my genuine items. :P

posted by an idiot via [email protected] ohms:P
Well said Chegs, not all of us have the means to spend 100's of squids on gear, if it keeps us of the stinkies it ain't all bad.
Clone or Authentic, £10 or £100 we all have the same goal, cut down / quit cigs.

Aslong as we reach our own intended goal, bugger all else matters

Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa
Clone or Authentic, £10 or £100 we all have the same goal, cut down / quit cigs.

Aslong as we reach our own intended goal, bugger all else matters

Sent From Within A Plume Of Mofucking Vapor, Boo Yaa

^^^^ well said

Sent From My Galaxy S4
As this was my thread, sorry review/opinion on a clone mod, let me be clear on something. I'll take a clone any day of the week over a cig. I wish I had the cash to spend on high end gear, but I don't, like most of you, and to be honest some of the high end gear is just not worth it. Just look at the story behind the Black Hawk Edition ... a limited run of 510 (apparently) that's still going.

Yes limited run hand made mods, mech or otherwise, OMG yes, there's some stunning stuff out there.

But went it comes to VV/VW gear that's where my rants really start, but that's for another thread.

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
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