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Panzer clone/Sigelei #1


Dec 29, 2013
Please close, no time to post aything else off atm and what is left will go in a vape it forward/comp when i do

Bought a while ago as I liked the idea of cloud chasing, decided to go regulated instead, both have had very light use.

Payment via Paypal (PPG or buyer covers fees, have a lot of feedback on ebay under the same username and on other forums (on request)) and can be posted this weekend

Images are on dropbox (full size, so just linked)

Panzer 18650/18500/18350 Clone
From FT, paid around £20 when it came out, asking £13 inc postage
Manufacturing imperfection on the switch
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12621823/ecig sale/DSC02967.JPG

Sigelei #1 (I think this is genuine, unsure though)
No idea where this was from. Spring removable but it'll come with it (got warm when using it but the brass fitting screws right out to remove battery rattle), £10 inc postage

Would consider swaps for RDA or RBA
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