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Peanut butter cup recipie


Feb 4, 2014
I bought some peanut butter cup concentrate as I'm addicted to reeses p/nut butter cup chocs lol
Has anyone used this flavour or have RECIPIES for it
You just reminded me i have reece's cups! Bonus!

Sorry that's of no help to you at all!
What brand is the concentrate. I tried mom n pops and it was vile tried a few different percentages and it never tasted of any remotley like it just a harsh chemical taste
A good peanut butter cup vape would be lovely but i fear it would never taste as good as the real thing
Peanut butter is a hard one to get right. Havent yet found a perfect one but let us know how u get on with it.
i am working on some mixes using peanut buttercup from fw i have been using it at 2% has it will over power anything it is mixed with
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