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Perfect twisted coils


Nov 15, 2014
I've noticed early on that when using a battery drill to twist wire that one end twists quicker than the other.

As you follow along the wire, especially with a nice long section, the twists are less tight the further you go along.

I also sussed pretty quick that if you use 2 battery drills, one each end, not only do you get the job done much quicker but you also get a much more uniform twist along the entire length.

I also noticed that if you gas torch a section it twists up even tighter and thinner, I guess the wire is stretching more.

It looked to me like it had gone past the point of being its original guage or thickness into something thinner.

What's the point of doing that? And what's the perfect twisted coil? As twisted as possible before breaking or as loose as possible whilst still able to hold a coil form? (If it Ain't twisted enough it won't form a nice coil shape)

So given I can twist 2 wires perfectly even along an entire length using 2 battery drills, what gives optimal results asa rule of thumb?

How I twist

I get a 1m length of wire and twist the ends together. I then put the twisted end in the chuck. I then use a chuck key and pull the 'looped' wire tight.

So one hand is on the drill and the other is holding the chuck key. I then twist until it snaps.

This way your 'two' lengths are the same size bed will twist evenly.

Just the way I do it.

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I use a dremel with allen key, and a screwdriver pulling tight on the other side. No real skill to twisted, just make sure you take out the tension as it tightens.
I am glad you are happy with your twisted wire but it seems to me that you have over complicated a simple process.
I just wanted to chip in for anyone who has never twisted kanthal to say it really is easy and just do it but perhaps leave the monstermash method for another day.
I am glad you are happy with your twisted wire but it seems to me that you have over complicated a simple process.
I just wanted to chip in for anyone who has never twisted kanthal to say it really is easy and just do it but perhaps leave the monstermash method for another day.

Lol this make oi laaarf because I know I am over thinking it and I am quite happy with my 2 drills method as it's fast and efficient but my question remains the same..... What's the most efficient twist, as tight as poss or as loose as poss or somewhere in the middle? And of course I'm talking about a finished installed twisted coil here. Thanks! MM
Not being one for perfection I personally twist to the point where the two ends want to start pulling towards each other and before it begins to kink.
I have no idea if that is a good or a bad twisted wire but it is a twisted wire that works for me.
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