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Pico Squeeze bottom cap fits Dripbox ?

Pilgrim Wire

Oct 23, 2016
How do's squonkers ! Squonking is where it's at people, without a shadow of a doubt. You guys have been onto something magical for a long time. Vaping's best kept secret indeed! Even the terminology (never mind the devices) confused me at the beginnings of my vaping quest. Now I've got a clone Franky and a Coppervape on the way, a VT inbox sitting in the palm of my hand and now someone's given me their old battered Dripmod to add to my squonking on a budget collection. It's not too shabby and so far so good. I've fitted a little more protection to the positive contact inside to avoid the phantom firing problem that caused a fair few folk a fair bit of damage a while back, but have still got a mahoosive problem taunting me at every given opportunity. I've had the mod about seven months or so and have all this time never realised there should be a little cover on the underside of the device that clips in to secure the bottle and (one assumes!) to make it look all nicey nicey. I've used it occasionally on and off the whole time without one, just assuming that the added danger of potentially losing your bottle and leaking juice everywhere was one of the extra thrills of semi-mech mod usage. Of course what has been seen cannot be unseen, and the absence of the cover is now becoming a bit of a bastarding pain it is. Feels like the mod is taunting me! It's not quite as infuriating as the Koopor Mini Upgrade debacle (which drove me nuts until I discovered that @domejunky had made up a programmer and was allowing it to whizz around the country from Apester to Apester , upgrading devices and sticking two fingers up to SMOK's idea of customer care as it went) and I'm now utterly desperate to get the gap plugged, as it were. So, being unable to find a replacement, I now asking you guys if you think the bottom cap off a Pico Squeeze might (at a squeeze!) fit the Dripmod and solve my burgeoning squonking angst. They've got them at Slowtech for just over a quid. I'm sure they could be made to fit if modded a bit. What do you think my friends? Doable or would it look a bit silly if I tried? If anyone knows where to get an original Kanger one though, that would of course be betterer than my proposed bodge it and see idea. So if you know where to get one then please send us a link and I'll probably be able to sleep soundly again whilst I wait for my other kit to turn up and get abused. Let me know what you think please and help out a man on the verge of yet another self imposed physical and mental collapse!

Not quite the same shape and the squeeze magnets are in a different place. If you have a dremel and some 3mm thick plastic sheet, oh and a couple of thin magnets...

The pico is left, dripbox on starboard. You can see the potential issues molding one for t'other.
Ah, that looks to be a bugger then. It was a long shot but hey ho and all that! Thanks for your replies though and for the effort of having a looksie for me. I guess I'll just have to get back to trawling the interwebs looking for a replacement. I reckon it'd be easier to just buy another mod from Slowtech or somewhere. Actually, come to think of it I think I've seen a cheap as proverbials Dripmod knock off, by Assa or something like that. I may just order it for part. Nab the feed system and whack it in another box. Not a bad idea! Thanks again then my friends. [emoji16]
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