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Plain Vaping


Apr 14, 2013
I'm doing this more as an experiment, I've been pondering for a while now about plain "unflavoured" vaping as every juice at the moment to me is meh and after a bit of research plain vaping is not as uncommon as I thought. It's funny because for the 20+ years of smoking I never once got fed up or bothered about the taste and it's that experience that I miss the most and after almost 12 months of vaping and trying various tobacco juices, I am still yet to find something that comes close to replicating that "smoking" experience.

I've mixed myself a small amount of unflavoured juice, 18mg 50/50 PG/VG.

72mg nic base (PG) - 2ml
Propylene Glycol - 2ml
Vegetable Glycerine -4ml

After giving the bottle a good shake I decided to have a vape as there are no flavours to steep.

First impressions, tastes the same as my first vaping experience which was a disposable cig-a-like from Tesco.

Throat hit is quite harsh but hopefully will mellow after a bit of a steep.

Taste is not unpleasant at all. It's got a slight sweetness to it yet it's not sweet at all (that probably makes more sense to me).

Conclusion is that if this juice mellows and becomes slightly less harsh on the throat, I may have found my all day vape which in turn would hopefully make me appreciate my flavoured juices more.
Sounds reasonable Clint. I find I lose my sweetness sometimes. Maybe I'll try this or maybe switch to plain menthol in the day.

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
Actually cigarettes have a flavour as well. Most of them horrid though and we used to stick to one brand, because every other brand tasted somewhere between funny and camel sh**. I used to smoke PallMall. But occasionally someone gave me a Camel, and honestly, it tasted horrid. Took 3 or 4 of them until I got used to it and couldn't taste it anymore.
One brand I never got used to was those Lybian ones I bought on a market in Tunisia. They were only 20p per packet, but I swear camel dung was the main ingredient!!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Sorry, forgot to add, I think the same happens to us on juice, just that we don't really want to lose the flavour, so we have to keep switching.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I decided to do a taste test of the ingredients of juice, the nicotine tasted very peppery, the VG was sweet and the PG (I've forgotten) but mixed ready to add flavouring was a weird taste of pepper with a sweetener and only became very unpleasant when I vaped it. I doubt if steeping will improve the taste as each liquid has been steeped before being sold (sat on a shelf) and once mixed together, they are going to retain the TH of the PG and nicotine with the soothing VG sweetness.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
I made some without flavouring, 'twas ok, but got bored with it, but then again I often get bored with my flavours, it's the variety that is more enjoyable with vaping for me.
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