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planet noob :)


Nov 2, 2012
Hey!! I'm Bunny, and I've been vaping for around four months now, my boyfriends been doing it a couple of years though.
My set up is currently an ego T but with a cartomizer instead of the atomizer and I love it!
Anyways, come say hi I don't bite :)
With a name like that, you're going to fit right in here :) and you brought cake! Welcome, if you need anything just yell!
Hey bunny :) Welcome to the dirty bits of vaping :D glad you found us!
I think I found my new home ;0

I sure hope so, we got a lot of apes round here and you are the first bunny!....Szaxe will be along to show off what a Bunnape hybrid looks like I am sure of it :)

Whats your fave juice at the moment?
ooooh there are so many juices I enjoy, currently using minty gum 18mg from smokshop omnomnomnomnom
Bunny bondage ...great name ;) Welcome to the mad house :)
With a name like that id be disappointed if you didn't bite...
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