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Polishing panels.... worth it ???


Jun 21, 2015
So after some great help and advice on a thread earlier today I have ordered a couple of new bits for my bb, so now I’m interested again, it could now turn out to be a device I will use a lot more if things go to plan....
I have a set of sxk frosted acrylic panels, they have sort of a rubberised texture to them and to be fair I don’t really like the look of them on the bb, so I’m thinking maybe I could sand them smooth and polish them up to give a nice clear look to them...
Anyone think this will work or am I just wasting my time and going to ruin the panels by having a go....
This is how they look now...
I would test the inside first, I've got a feeling they are going to be the same opacity even after polishing.

If it was me I would colour resin coat them with a tiny bit of colour pigment to keep the opacity.

I could be wrong, if they come out transparent I think they will look great.

Looking forward to seeing the results
The inside and outside are both different finishes, inside is just like dull acrylic and the out is like rubber coated, so will have to remove all the coating before I can even start to sand the plastic smooth, if I can get it all off and the plastic sanded to a very fine grade paper then can’t see why they won’t polish up ok, will have to sand and polish both sides of each panel to get full transparent look tho, got the stuff I need so will be having a go at it soon...
Results are in !!! And I’m happy with how they turned out, in the fact I didn’t like the panels before and now I do...
Spent about 4 hours in total yesterday afternoon and evening, sanding and polishing...
This is how they look now....
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