Hi everyone,
I'm a 35 years old Portuguese that lives in Madrid for 6 years now, and smoked for 20 years.
Three months ago, after a lot of pressure of my fiance to stop smoking and passing by a e-cig shop I decided to enter and give it a try. Since then I didn't touch the analog ones.
First I both a ego kit (650mhz with 2 Atomizers) and fast moved to a Vamo v5 and a "calabela" clone from fasttech with a igo-l to dripping and a Kayfun 3.1 from FT for all day vape.
I make my e-liquids, Ry4 mostly with 6mg and I'm ok with this nico for now.
I'm a 35 years old Portuguese that lives in Madrid for 6 years now, and smoked for 20 years.
Three months ago, after a lot of pressure of my fiance to stop smoking and passing by a e-cig shop I decided to enter and give it a try. Since then I didn't touch the analog ones.
First I both a ego kit (650mhz with 2 Atomizers) and fast moved to a Vamo v5 and a "calabela" clone from fasttech with a igo-l to dripping and a Kayfun 3.1 from FT for all day vape.
I make my e-liquids, Ry4 mostly with 6mg and I'm ok with this nico for now.