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Pre-built coils.


Mar 22, 2015
So I'm after getting a subtank plus but don't have any experience in building and would prefer to use the rebuildable deck rather than stock coils because the reviews say this is best. I've seen that you can buy pre-built coils, has anyone had experience of these, especially in the subtank. what would be the size wire I need? Don't fancy tring to build the coils myself. Thanks.
So I'm after getting a subtank plus but don't have any experience in building and would prefer to use the rebuildable deck rather than stock coils because the reviews say this is best. I've seen that you can buy pre-built coils, has anyone had experience of these, especially in the subtank. what would be the size wire I need? Don't fancy tring to build the coils myself. Thanks.

You get a few in the box with the tank. I bet that once you start fiddling you'll be building. Takes minutes and is rewarding.

Fasttech sell bags of prebuilts for a few quid. Not used them though so can't recommend.
Honestly if I can do it you can the coil making is actually the easy bit in my opinion it's all the different wicking methods for different tanks that's more tricky but once you've done it a couple of times it's easy and the sub tank is the easiest iv done just watch rip trippers vid and your laughing. If you really don't want to make your own then there's the as above or there's a lovely guy on ebay who will make them to order for you :)
Thanks guys, just ordered one from myepack with and extra deck for 2.99 incase I break it lol. MVP 3.0 ordered also. Can't wait. will watch the vid suggested, thanks again.
Thanks guys, just ordered one from myepack with and extra deck for 2.99 incase I break it lol. MVP 3.0 ordered also. Can't wait. will watch the vid suggested, thanks again.

Good choices, have fun. Any queries shout anyone in this thread, amongst others always happy help.
I made my first coil last week and after a couple of uneven attempts they have been consistently hitting the mark. Its much easier than it seems. Give it a try you will surprise yourself
+1 for rip tippers videos theres a pukka one on the subtank mini builds
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